
Posts Tagged ‘sewy stuff’

Hi everyone!






Happy Friday everyone!! We hope you all had a fantastic week. We can’t believe we are entering the last week of August, but August has been a really great one for us. Excited for what’s to come for September! Also, if you haven’t entered our Petite Plume Giveaway yet, you can do so HERE. We’re excited to hear which of our Summer 2014 Collections is your favorite.


Time to end another wonderful week with our Fan Friday! We have happily been seeing our Endearing Elephants around the interwebs, and are just SO glad that everyone is loving the patterns…and sharing them with us! Thank you, Sweetbriar Sisters, for the adorable elephant patterns…we are obsessed!! When we saw Paula’s elephants, we honestly squealed with delight because of their cuteness. What made things even more adorable was the fact that, on the same blog page, was a picture of her newborn granddaughter (so precious!!). Paula shared her versions of our Endearing Elephants with us, and we just had to share!




Paula’s blog, Sew Stuff by Paula, is a place where she can share her sewing and quilting adventures. She sewed for her children when they were growing up, sewing most of their clothing pieces when they were little. She made dance costumes, diaper bags, burp cloths, blankets, quilts, and a few little matching dresses for them. She took a little break from sewing when her children entered their late teens, but is now doing the same for her grandchildren. Her blog is all about fabric, her quilt creations, her other projects, and her family. It’s such a warm and pretty place to visit. She also has an Etsy Shop, where she sells her handmade, sewing projects – purses, bibs, quilts, and more! There may even be some little guys we recognize ;) Paula used the sweetest fabric choices for her little elephants, and we really adore them!






Thank you so much, Paula, for sharing your little elephants with us. We are SO happy that you love them as much as we do. You can also check out Paula’s blog, Facebook, Instagram, and Etsy Shop for more. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! :)





Happy Sewing!

22 August