
Posts Tagged ‘penguin diy’

Hi everyone!




Happy Tuesday! As well, it’s New Years Eve!! What is everyone’s plan for tonight to ring in the new year? We cannot believe that 2014 is just hours away…wow! Reminiscing of all that has happened in 2013, we have much to be thankful for. We have met so many fantastic and inspiring people, worked on amazing projects, and have continued to grow as a company. We have also seen the tremendous amount of love and support from all of you, thank you sososo much!! Seeing all your projects and kind words truly make our day, and we hope to continue to create designs and content that will inspire you! 2014 – we’re ready for you! Here’s to making 2014 another brilliant year!! :)


We’ve got another How To’s day for you. Today we are sharing a tutorial that we’ve used to create one of our favorite projects. Our super sweet penguin stuffed animals were created using Purl Soho’s Purl Bee Penguin tutorial. We think these penguins look very dashing cloaked in our Birds of a Feather by Allison Cole fabric collection, a wonderful modern twist to these stuffies. We’ve been seeing lots more eclectic and contemporary kid room accessories in stores as of late, and though these penguins would look adorable with any print, using contemporary fabric designs fit the bill (hehe, silly pun!).




You can check out the full tutorial for these little guys over on the Purl Bee by Purl Soho website. You can also check out Purl Soho on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!


We hope you have enjoyed this week’s How To’s Day! We hope everyone has a fantastic New Years too. Do any of you have any New Years resolutions? If so, we would really love to know! Until next time, we  wish you a lovely and safe night, bringing in the new year with all your loved ones.




Happy Sewing!

31 December