
Posts Tagged ‘magazine feature’

Hi everyone!





Happy Thursday! Happy First of May!! I just wanted to take this moment to thank YOU for taking the time to visit our blog. It really means so much to us. We are also on Bloglovin’ and would love it if you could follow us – that way you can be up-to-date on all the new things happening here! :) We are also giving away some of our Star Wars glow-in-the-dark fabric this week…head on over to our Facebook Page to enter!


It’s time for some more “thank yous” with this week’s Thankful Thursday. Today we are going to share our wonderful feature in the Craft Ideas April 2014 Digital Magazine. Craft Ideas is an incredible source for all things craft- and DIY-related – from quilting to clay to beading, and everything in-between, they are a fantastic crafting hub for every sort of project you will want to try.


Craft Ideas publishes print magazines throughout the year, dedicated to the yearly trends and holidays, as well as digital editions! Moreover, they have a correlating Craft Ideas website and blog to share even more crafting tips and project tutorials with their readers! Every week, they post informative videos on their YouTube channel featuring their editor, Annie Niemics! They always provide great insight and reviews on new products or projects.


They also send out weekly e-newsletters that their followers can sign up to, to get the latest in the crafting community. They feature bloggers, giveaways, and fun things – after the 2014 CHA Show, they loved our products and decided to give us a super sweet shout-out:




Craft Ideas also featured two of our free tutorials in their May 2014 digital edition. They featured the tutorials for our Plush Stegosaurus and “Love You Forever” Tree Trunk Bolster tutorials! It was SO cool to see our tutorials featured, and are so glad they are enjoyed. We hope the readers like our project ideas!




We wanted to say thank you to Craft Ideas for being an awesome crafting source, and for featuring us and our projects in their latest digital edition. We are huge fans of their magazine and content, and cannot wait to see what’s next! Be sure to check out Craft Ideas on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for lots more!




Happy Sewing!


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01 May